Fred Phillips, author of The Conscious Manager. (Photo by Mark Hashizume.)
Schedule of talks, seminars & signings
(Not all of these appearances are about The Conscious Manager, but all are opportunities to converse with you and your organization if you are in the same city!)NO EVENTS SCHEDULED AT THIS TIME.Would you like to schedule a book talk or seminar with Fred Phillips at your bookstore, university, company or dojo? Inquire via email.
January 13, 2000 New Mexico International Trade Conference, Hyatt Hotel, Albuquerque.
February 29, 2000 Western Regional Science Association, Sheraton Kauai Resort, Kauai.
August 28-31, 2000 Curitiba 2000, Curitiba, Brazil.
September, 2001 Durham, NC.
October 1-10, 2001 Seoul, Korea.
December 6-9, 2001 Vista, California. Kenshinkan Dojo.
December 22-27, 2001 Salt Lake City.
December 2001 or January 2002 Austin, Texas, date and location TBD.
February 1-10, 2002 Honolulu. Japan-America Institute of Management Sciences.
Early October 2002 Seoul, Korea.
Late October 2002 Austin, Texas.
November 2002 Southern California
August 2003 Portland, The Wanderers' Club
September 2003 Spokane, Washington
October 14-16, 2003 Seattle, Localization World
October 17-18, 2003 Seattle, Northwest Business Educators Network, University of Washington
October 29-30, 2003 Austin, conference on Ethics Across the Curriculum, St. Edward's University
April 6, 2005 Valletta, Malta
April 17-26, 2005 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
July 11-20, 2005 Nicosia, Cyprus
July 31-August 4, 2005 Portland, Oregon, USA
September 12-14, 2005 Barcelona, Spain
November 5, 2005 Cairo, Egypt
Favorite links
My lovely wife runs a business providing imprinted corporate logo and promotional items to technology companies and scientific conferences. It is called Lasting Impressions Advertising & Gifts.I am Associate Editor of a nifty and stimulating scholarly journal, Technological Forecasting & Social Change.
Other books by Fred Phillips
The books I've edited are available from the IC2 Institute in Austin, or from the publisher. Royalties from these books - which unlike The Conscious Manager are on technical business topics - go to the IC2 Institute.
F. Phillips, Social Culture and High Tech Economic Development: The Technopolis Columns. Palgrave, London, 2006.
The Technopolis Columns builds on my experiences in economic development in Austin, Portland, and the many locales where I've consulted on the matter. The book is for economic development officials and researchers.F. Phillips, Market-Oriented Technology Management: Innovating for Profit in Entrepreneurial Times. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2001.
Market-Oriented Technology Management is a textbook, and is also useful for practicing managers.
F. Phillips (ed.), Concurrent Life Cycle Management: Manufacturing, MIS and Marketing Perspectives. IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin, 1990.
F. Phillips and J.J. Rousseau (eds.) Systems and Management Science by Extremal Methods: Research Honoring Abraham Charnes at Age 70, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell MA, 1992.
F. Phillips (ed.),Thinkwork: Working, Learning and Managing in a Computer-Interactive Society. Praeger, Westport, Conn., 1992.
S. El-Badry, H. Lopez-Cepero, and F. Phillips, (eds.), US-Japan Shared Progress in Technology Management and Technology Policy. IC2 /JIMT monograph #2, 1994.
W.W. Cooper, D.V. Gibson, F. Phillips, and S. Thore (eds.), IMPACT: How IC2 Research Affects Public Policy and Business Practices. Greenwood (Quorum Books), Westport, Conn., 199 Final note
Here is what started the whole crazy career track. From the Evanston Review, 1965: