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Technopolis Columns was published in April, 2006, by
The essays in
new book, many of which have appeared as op-eds in prominent
newspapers, examine the social context of regions' transformations to
growth poles.
Click here for a sample chapter. |
informative and well-edited collection of relevant articles and
weblinks. Of great interest." - Nigel C. O.
Manuel, Galician Business Promotion Center
"Of interest to many of our readers." Robert Millis, Publisher, Tech Valley Times "Fascinating
publication." Steven
Spalding, President & CEO, Louisville
Medical Center Development Corporation
“I wish this site had been around in my past lives, which involved strategic planning, economic development and growth policy.” -Clyde Doctor "Novel! Good presentation of an 'opolis." -E.G. Tutle, Tutle International Technology Marketing |
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“Trading Down: The Intellectual Poverty of the New Free
on the impact of WTO rules on technopolis development. It
appeared in 2004 in Technological
Forecasting & Social Change, and won the Emerald Hall of
Fame Award as one of the best 50 management articles (out of 20,000
reviewed articles) of 2004.
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Previously owned videoconferencing equipment. http://www.vc4less.com/. New Silicon Forest Universe poster by Heike Mayer displays graphic evidence of the growth and importance of Portland's high tech industry. Individual orders: $15 per poster; Orders of 50 posters or more: $12 per poster. Contact Emily Renfrow.Maui
Research and Technology Park's incubator
seeks promising young companies that can leverage Maui's quality of
supercomputing center, and astronomical observatory for business growth.
LOCALIZE and translate your web site into
other languages. http://www.enso-company.com.
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Universities and Technopolis
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AlbuquerqueAsian Technology Information Program (ATIP)Atlanta
Sandia National Laboratories
Los Alamos National Laboratories
Management of Technology Center at University of New Mexico
New Mexico Economic Development Partnership
Metro New Mexico Development Alliance
Advanced Technology Development CenterAustin
(ATDC) at Georgia Tech. Chris Downing, (404) 894-7700.Austin futures online discussion group
IC2 Institute
Austin Technology Incubator
Austin Technology Council
Texas Nanotechnology Initiative
Technology Advisors Group (TAG)
Austin Business Journal
Austin American-Statesman
Access High Tech Austin - many more linksBostonBoston Technology Venture Center Mark R. Ferri 617-424-3888, mark_ferri@nstaronline.comChicago & suburbsThe May Report on Chicago technologyCleveland captured more than $200M in NIH funding in 2001 and again in 2002, according to Continental magazine, as part of the city's biotech and biomedical initiatives.
"Technopolis" Is Bold Step Toward a Wired Windy City
Ireland Cancer CenterDenver
Case Western Reserve University
Edison BioTechnology Center
Cleveland Engineering Society
NorTech regional technology center
ClevelandClicks - The Entrepreneur's Scene In Cleveland
Digital Cleveland Project
Greater cleveland growth association
Ohio Fuel Cell Coalition
Northwest Ohio Regional Growth Partnership
Floridae-florida.comKansas City
Florida/NASA Business Incubation Center (Titusville)
David Kershaw, 321-269-6330
Metropolitan Orlando Economic Development Commission
Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute (KCALSI)
Stowers Institute for Medical Research
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Kapolei: Hawaii's e-City
Maui Research and Technology Park
Enterprise Hawaii
Manoa Innovation Center
Mililani Technology Park
West Kauai Visitor and Technology Center
Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii
New York
Albany planners chart course for 'technopolis'
Albany NanoTech
Tech Valley Times
See http://www.caycon.com/resources.php?g=10&s=49 for other New York resources.
New report on Philadelphia's prospects as a knowledge center.
www.PositivelyPhiladelphia.com A Partnership for Regional Growth
The ASU technopolis program was developed to help transform the metro area’s knowledge economy. Greater Phoenix ranks at the top of the charts nationally as the best place to start a new business, as an excellent home for fast-growing companies, and as a place of highly-concentrated technology clusters, especially in the areas of microelectronics and aerospace manufacturing. ASU Technopolis leverages these strengths as well as the broad expertise and resources of the University to spur innovation in Greater Phoenix.
See http://www.caycon.com/resources.php?g=10&s=45 for other Arizona resources, and the Tucson listing on this Technopolis Times page.
Portland OR /Vancouver WA region
Portland economic development online discussion group
Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER), a public/private partnership composed of legislators, governments and businesses in the US Northwest and far western Canadian provinces
Westside Consortium for Economic Health -- Economic Report Details
Center for Entrepreneurial Growth, a joint center of Oregon Health & Science University, Portland State University, and Lewis & Clark College
Portland Business Journal
Portland Education Cluster
Pacific Northwest International Trade Association (PNITA)
American Electronics Association (AeA) Oregon Council
Oregon Biosciences Association
Oregon Economic & Community Development Department
Oregon Museum of Science & Industry
Oregon Business Plan
Oregon Council for Knowledge and Economic Development
Software Association of Oregon
City of Portland's Economic Development Strategy
NADFOR - The Northwest Advanced Display Forum
Portland Business Journal December 17, 2002: "Portland came in at No. 9 and Oregon No. 10 in a study of the economic competitiveness of U.S. regions... according to a new study by Beacon Hill Institute at Suffolk University. It ranked cities and states using more than 30 criteria, including government and fiscal policy, infrastructure, technology and environmental policy....Portland earned high rankings for bond ratings, the % of households with computers, environmental policies and low violent crime rate...its cost of living placed it at No. 41, and its academic research and development funding relative to employment put it at No. 34."
Beaverton Software Innovation Center
Columbia River Economic Development Council
Puerto Rico
Research Triangle & Surrounding Area, North CarolinaCharlotte Center City Partners
Forward Greensboro
Charlotte Regional Partnership
North Carolina Global TransPark
Council for Entrepreneurial Development
Microelectronics Center of North Carolina
North Carolina Biotechnology Center
North Carolina Technological Development Authority
Duke University Medical Center
Winston-Salem C of C
Research Triangle Regional PartnershipSt. LouisNidus Center life sciences incubatorSalt Lake City
Center for Emerging TechnologiesUtah Technology AllianceSan Diego
San Francisco
Center for Regional Economic Analysis at Sonoma State University
Seattle and Washington stateWashington Technology Center
WTC is a state-funded enterprise that supports commercially-promising research and technology development of direct benefit to the economic vitality of Washington State.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratories
The Seattle TimesSilicon Valley, CaliforniaJOINT VENTURE: SILICON VALLEY NETWORKTucson
Silicon Valley Daily
San Jose Mercury News
Environmental Business Cluster
Jim Robbins, 408-938-3921
Collaborative Economics, advisors to civic entrepreneurs
Institute for Technology Innovation Management at Baylor University
Washington, D.C. and Northern Virginia
Mason Enterprise Center, George Mason University.
The Hampton Roads area claims to be second only to Silicon Valley in its per capita concentration of scientists and engineers. Nearby are the Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, NASA's Langley Research Center, and the Virginia Advanced Shipbuilding and Carrier Integration Center (an incubator for the high tech ships of the future). The region boasts seven universities and three community colleges.
The new COPAT cluster (Complejo Patagónico de Alta Tecnología) in Patagonia was presented by governor Miguel Saiz of the Rio Negro province in Argentina.
BelgiumFlanders' automotive cluster, a key nexus of supply (260 automotive suppliers), assembly and distribution, reduces taxes in 2003 to remain competitive, according to World Trade.Brazil
Meuse Rhine Triangle
Sao PauloCuritiba
Cidade Industrial de Curitiba - includes a 12-minute web videoLondrina
Development Company of Curitiba - Companhia de Desenvolvimento de Curitiba
Centro Internacional de Technologia de Software
Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana
University of Oregon site on Curitiba's attractions, environmental management, and industrial news.
University of Wisconsin site on Curitiba's Strategic Approach to Urban Planning
Blount cutting systems of Portland, Oregon, located plant in Curitiba since 1979.
Campinas. See this link also.
CanadaCanadian Innovation CenterChina
Atlantic Provinces Cluster Project of the National Research Council of Canada
NRC Innovation Center, Vancouver
Montréal technopolis
Shanghai: Shanghai Z.J. Hi-Tech Park Development Corporation
Center for Technology Innovation and Strategy StudiesZhongguanchun Science Park. See this link also.
Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Development Corporation
First Chinese "Science City" to be built at Hefei.
Business 2.0 (Jan-Feb 2004) lists these tech hotspot Chinese cities:
Tianjin: cell phone technology
Beijing: software
Liaoning (Dalian): tech-infused heavy industry
Shandong: consumer appliances
Jiangsu: laptops, digital cameras, auto parts
Chongqing: automotive, chemicals, pharma
Guangdong: toys, appliances, electronics
Zhejiang: textiles, electronics
Shanghai: finance, steel, autos, semiconductors
Pax, Technology Brokers
Segal Quince Wicksteed Ltd.
The Institute of Nanotechnology
English Partnerships: The National Regeneration Agency. For development land, investment opportunities and relocation in England.
FranceSofia Antipolis:Germany
Fondation Sophia Antipolis
Champagne: Technopole d'lAube and its incubator
Paris' "Silicon Sentier" near Les Halles: High concentration of fiber optic draws tech firms.
Pas de Calais
Meuse Rhine Triangle
Dresden. See this link also.
Berlin Business Location CenterNew DanubePortal for co-operation in the Danube Region: (Thanks to Dr. Thede Kahl)
Adlershof, a proto-Silicon Valley for nurturing high-tech research and
technology in eastern Berlin.
BioTOP Berlin-Brandenburg
Metz high tech region: Lorraine development corporation. See also this link and this one.
Ulm (birthplace of Einstein)
IndiaBangalore. Business Week (November 25, 2002) reports the economy in Bangalore is growing at a 10% rate, with foreign investment “pushing India sharply higher in the global technology food chain.” Bangalore is now a generator of original software products, and is Intel’s biggest design facility outside Portland, Oregon. In recent visits, Bill Gates revealed plans to invest $400 million in India, and Craig Barrett of Intel remarked, “A whole ecosystem for IT is being built in [Bangalore] India.” The city still suffers from “inconsistent” foreign investment policies and a lack of infrastructure: Electricity, telephone connections, highways and air connections are in short supply. Without transportation, little manufacturing is possible. Thus the Bangalore phenomenon is driven by cheap, highly skilled labor, information and intellectual property. Other companies investing in Bangalore include Cadence, Cisco, H-P, Oracle, SAP, Sun, and T.I.
Since that 2002 article, many more companies have entered Bangalore, and the city has become a focus of the "off-shoring" controversy. See Technopolis Times' Winter 2004 issue, or any current business magazine.
The Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute
Your gateway to business and economy in Israel. Succeed in commercial ventures with Israeli companies and in the Israeli marketplace.
The north-east Italian Innovation Relay Centre, known
as IRENE, promotes two-way technology transfer into and out of Trentino, Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Veneto, and Emilia-Romagna. See also here.
Almaty: Khan-Tengri Business Center
Osong BioHealth Science Technopolis
Malaysian Technology Development Corp.
Multimedia Super Corridor
Technopreneurs Association of Malaysia
Monterrey: ITESM "Tec de Monterrey"
DelftNew Zealand
The motto of the Meuse Rhine Triangle is “Three Countries, One Mission, One Beat.” Other taglines include “Heartbeat of Business in Europe” and “Heartbeat of Life Sciences in Europe.” The Triangle region includes corners of Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, anchored by the cities of Maastricht, Aachen, and Liège. Vital statistics: 3.7 million population, 300 medtech/biotech companies, 5 universities and 3 academic hospitals, 130 research centers, 1 new 6,000 square-meter new business incubator, 17,000 life sciences students, and research branches of Medtronic, Ford, Microsoft, and Ericsson. The Triangle touts its research strengths in agri-biotech, cardiovascular therapies, and biomaterials.
PortugalInstituto Superior TécnicoRussiaA list of Internet resources on technology business in Russia.
Technology Commercialization in Russia: Challenges and Barriers by N.Rogalev
The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) promotes the nonproliferation of weapons technology of mass destruction.Saudi Arabia
ScotlandGlasgow City Council’s Business Information site.
East Kilbride Development Corporation
Edinburgh Science Triangle is built around seven S&T parks with links to four local universities.
National University of Singapore
JTC Corporation announced that a new state-of-the-art facility, Technopolis, will be developed in One-North - Singapore's multi-billion dollar city-within-a-city icon of the New Economy. Also a pharmaceutical-oriented Biopolis and FusionPolis (for Infocommunications & Media) in One-North.
Singapore Economic Development Board
Global Entrepolis @ Singapore
SpainSwedenParques Tecnológicos y Centros de Empresa
Barcelona and Palma de Mallorca
The Catalan strategy on opportunities generated by new technology.Bilbao area
Barcelona Activa
Centre for Innovation and Business Development (CIDEM) is an autonomous body of the Ministry of Employment and Industry with the objective of improving Catalonia’s industrial community.
European Software InstituteSeville's Tecnopolis de Cartuja
Red de Parques Tecnologicos del Pais Vasco. Los tres parques tecnológicos del País Vasco generaron 2.100 millones de negocio en 2004. See article here.
InnovAragón focuses on local strengths in metallic coatings, high-impact glass, and measurement and instrumentation.
Halmstad University Industrial Liaison Office
Stockholm-Uppsala region
Taiwan Economic News carries summaries of electronics industry developments there.
Institute for Information Industry
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology keeps a page of lists and articles about still more international high-tech industrial zones.
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- Atlas: Encarta map center
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- Distance: Miles <> Kilometers calculator
- Temperature: Fahrenheit <> Centigrade calculator
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- What time is it there? Click for World Clock.
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- FastFacility - Find buildings and sites worldwide.
- Country Codes
- Area Codes for U.S. and Canada
- Time Zones from U.S. government java clock
- MCI international toll-free access numbers
- Video conferencing - Guide to vendors, equipment
- Federal Express international home page
- Simple Currency Conversion and Exchange Rate calculator for world's leading currencies. Less-traded currencies can be found here.
- Money Transfers via Western Union (from U.S., Canada only)
- Customs compliance: eCustoms "the leading provider of automated compliance solutions across all sectors of global trade."
- UPS Shipping Cost Calculator
- U.S. Zip Codes
- Air tickets at Cheaptickets.com
- Currency Conversion and Exchange Rate calculator
- Online multi-lingual dictionaries and phrase books (NOTE this is a new link. We have discontinued the link to travlang.com because of excessive pop-up ads.)
- You will find surprisingly many uses for this Sunrise/Sunset Time Calculator for major world cities.
- Look up voltage and plug shapes for your destination country.
A similar site with more technical details is here - including 'Why can only “electric” appliances be used with a converter, and not “electronic” ones?' Of interest to tech travelers, it explains the differences between what a converter does and what a transformer does...
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- Venture Capital Glossary
- Tips on doing research on the World Wide Web
- Nanotechnology database: research, researchers, reports and books
- National Science Foundation: Asia's New Competitors
- Information technology news at Computerworld
- Information technology news at Datamation
- The Export Practitioner covers U.S. export controls.
- Managing Exports. Information on selling and managing risk globally.
- PS&P Plants Sites & Parks.
- R&D Magazine
- SSTI (State Science and Technology Institute) Weekly Digest focuses primarily on technology development at the state level but also reports technopolis (metropolitan region) news.
- Technological Forecasting & Social Change, an Elsevier journal
- Trade Finance concentrates on the international trade finance market.
- Washington Tariff & Trade Letter. News & analysis on the policy side.
- World Trade Executive newsletters on law, tax, and finance.
- Expansion Management magazine.
- Resources for thoughtful managers and adaptive companies at General Informatics LLC
- Citistate Group LLC
- Cluster Navigators are specialists in local economic development with a cluster focus, working with clients in New Zealand, Australia, Scotland, Canada, USA, Sweden and South Africa.
- Intercultural Communication
- Nextlinx, global trade management software
- The Science Alliance is an intermediary organisation that stimulates the collaboration and knowledge transfer between universities and external parties.
- SigEx's communications-based regional development projects. (Click on 'Regional Development' in left panel for javascript pop-up.)
- WinWin Partners show companies how to invest in communities to expand into untapped markets, develop new suppliers, manage physical and financial assets, recruit and retain a qualified workforce, leverage innovation and R&D, and build brand image and reputation.
- Cayenne Consulting’s “Regional Resources” page covers technology/entrepreneurship/development resources in Arizona, S.F. Bay Area, San Diego, Los Angeles, New York and Boston.
- Technopolis is a policy consultancy working in the UK, Sweden, the Netherlands, France and Austria.
Organizations in related areas
- Global Sources, for finding products and markets worldwide.
- National Alliance of Clean Energy Business Incubators.
- U.S. Department of Commerce - Economic Development Administration: established to generate jobs, help retain existing jobs, and stimulate industrial and commercial growth in economically-distressed areas of the United States.
- The Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) is an association of 30 national and regional societies, each composed of men and women who have an interest in the transfer of technology, or licensing of intellectual property rights - from technical know how and patented inventions to software, copyright and trade marks.
- Alliance for Regional Stewardship fosters "collaborative multi-sector regional stewardship as a means for advancing economic, social and environmental progress, while maintaining a sense of place, in America’s metropolitan regions."
- IPAWORLD for global trade, investment and location news.
- Western Regional Science Association.
- Regional Science Association International.
- Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO).
- And more at http://dir.yahoo.com/Social_Science/Economics/Organizations/Economic_Development/
- UK Business Incubation
- Development Gateway
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